Make a brick red and maroon coat

Make a banana and lime colored sweater

Create a long gown with gathering on one side ruffles design with cristice bead

Make a orange creamsicle dog tuck

Make a maroon and black leather jacket with a denim hood

Make a moroon and black lady

Make a turquoise and yellow pants

Make a navy and grasss green and mint striped shirt

A navy blue and black pair of cow boy boots

Mc Donald’s outfit

Abaya open

Make a hot wheels top hat

Make a awesome leather vest that has yak fur and it’s rainbow

Make entire outfit that is and also care bear themed sky blue and neon yellow but

A navy green shirt with a black patch’s randomly placed

A black and red denim vest with a white hood also made of denim and a blue patch

A funny leather vest that says what is the meaning of life care bear stares on the back

A yellow care bare themed shirt with a red and white logo on it

A sunrise yellow with a white highlight on the edge of the top hat

Earrings made of papier-mâché simple gold with green stones

A sky blue and neon yellow cow boy hat with fur on the edges

Gold papier-mâché simple belt with green stones

Belts: Leather or metallic belts adorned with jewels, which not only served a decorative purpose

Headpieces and Hair Ornaments: Women of this era often adorned themselves with headpieces or small crowns embellished wi...

Rings with engraved gemstones that featured prayers, mystical poetry, or Quranic verses.

Silver or gold bracelets adorned with floral, animal, or plant motifs. Broad, engraved bangles were also common.

Necklaces with small pendants, often decorated with Islamic motifs, religious inscriptions, or geometric designs. These ...

1. Earrings: Dangling earrings with delicate designs, often featuring gemstones such as turquoise or agate, which were p...

Cut from the top and on the straps has a bow and it’s a tall dress and on the waist there is a larger bow

Cut from up and on the straps has a bow and one leg is taller that the other and the taller side has a bow on it

Dinner look

Puff sleeve

A beige and white shirt with a black pocket

A sky blue high top sneaker with blue moon toung and a navy blue patch

A sleek beige sneaker with pale brown patches

Luxury black wonen bodysuit with back wool turtleneck, black leather shoulder pads

Make white luxury sweatshirt with black leather pockets

Male white luxury sweat shirt with black leather patches

Exotic, emerald green, one piece bathing suit, Brazilian cut with black leather strings

Beige sweat fabric bodycon dress with black laces in front from bottom to top with black leather oversized pockets, blac...

En lång elegant benvit klänning, det ska vara en bandeu klänning som är tight till lårbenet och successivt blir lösare. ...

Nigerian Yoruba bride