give me an outfit for mercutio from romeo and juliet that is played by a woman but still a manly costume 

Tailored double-breasted waistcoat in deep emerald green velvet, adorned with subtle gold filigree. Crisp white shirt with billowy sleeves, cuffs peeking from under the coat. Slim-fit, high-waisted trousers in charcoal gray, fringed at the bottom. Leather ankle boots, polished and sharp. Accents of silver jewelry, pocket watch, and a feathered cap.

give me an outfit for mercutio from romeo and juliet that is played by a woman but still a manly costume

Tailored double-breasted waistcoat in deep emerald green velvet, adorned with subtle gold filigree. Crisp white shirt with billowy sleeves, cuffs peeking from under the coat. Slim-fit, high-waisted trousers in charcoal gray, fringed at the bottom. Leather ankle boots, polished and sharp. Accents of silver jewelry, pocket watch, and a feathered cap.

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